Your first garden: How to set up a sustainable veggie garden

Growing your own organic veggie garden is a sure way to live more sustainably, and although it may seem a little daunting, it really is simple. Take a good look at your yard and once you have your veggies garden’s location set in mind, follow these easy steps for the quickest way to install a new and sustainable vegetable garden.

“These steps cost very little money while still allowing you to produce fresh veggies for you and your family.” say’s Granny Mouse Country House & Spa General Manager, Sean Granger.” These tips are what we use here at Granny Mouse to keep our beautiful gardens that grow exquisitely throughout the year.

1. Prepare the soil for a new garden

This might be the most difficult step. Start by removing the surface of the ground you’ve selected using a flat blade spade. Cut the ground into strips that are only slightly wider than the actual shovel’s blade. Start around the outside of the garden and work your way toward the middle, cutting it into strips. You don’t have to cut down deep; maybe about 10 cm. Once cut into strips, jam the blade sideways under the ground and lift as you roll it up like a long roll. The rolls will be quite heavy, so try to shake off excess soil before lifting them into a wheelbarrow and moving them away.

It’s important to focus on boosting the fertility of your existing soil in a way that’s beneficial, no matter what kind of soil you’re starting with. Besides purchasing plants and seeds for your new veggie garden, this is the only step that might cost you some money, but it’s money well spent, because it’s essential for growing a garden that will perform and produce. Open the bags of compost you’ve purchased, “dump it” on your new garden that you just shoveled, and rake it out until it’s an even thickness across the entire surface and then turn the soil. Next you will need to lay down your weed killers and insect repellents immediately and preferably a green product. (yes before you plant!).

2. Plant your veggies 

Now that your garden is prepared, its time to get planting. You can plant your garden whether by directly sowing seeds into the garden or by planting transplants. The best veggies to plant directly with seed are: lettuce, carrots, spinach, corn, pumpkin and cucumbers just to name a few.

If transplanting, the best would be to plant tomatoes, eggplants, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage etc. When you’re ready to plant, gently push back the prepped soil, then plant your seeds or transplants right through it. After covering the seeds with soil or nestling the roots of the transplant into the ground, put the soil back in place. Water the plant or seeds in well.

It’s also important to get the timing of your planting correct because some veggies prefer to grow when the weather is cool while others prefer a warmer weather.

3. After-Care

Continued maintenance is absolutely essential to your garden’s success. Make sure that you:

  • Pull weeds when they are young.
  • Keep the garden watered.
  • Stake plants as necessary.
  • Harvest regularly, weekly if possible.

Give it a try and who knows, your “green fingers” can put veggies on the table!