Keep aging at bay with some simple home treatment tips

The production of collagen under our skin starts reducing as we age. When the volume of collagen decreases, there is a direct impact on the firmness of the skin. Aging is a natural occurrence states the spa team at Granny Mouse Country House & Spa.

A few factors that also encourage aging include the consumption of alcohol, smoking, the sun, stress, as well as not getting enough sleep, to name but a few.

There are some home remedies the team recommends, such as face masks, that can be made at home with the following ingredients:

  • Honey, lemon juice, and egg whites
  • Pawpaw, honey, and lemon
  • Aloe vera and egg whites
  • Coconut oil
  • Oatmeal
  • Banana

Some of the ingredients above have the following nutrients that aid in keeping aging at bay.

  • Lemon, which is rich in vitamin c, neutralizes free radicals and slows down aging.
  • Aloe Vera. Due to it containing vitamin A and C, it acts as a shield protecting your skin from various conditions such as skin sagging and keeps skin hydrated.
  • Coconut oil helps prevent skin from premature aging and is rich in fatty acids and vitamin E, boosting production of collagen thereby preventing fine lines.

There are also exercises that work to assist with tightening of the facial skin and can be done in conjunction with using home face packs when you cannot get to the spa to get first class treatment.

  1. Brow Raiser: Bring your index and middle finger together. Place the fingers above the brows and push the skin up. Apply tension to your brows by pushing the fingers up and down. Repeat it 6 times.
  2. Cheekbone lift:Place your palm and cover your cheekbone from the chin. Lift your skin gently and open your mouth to form an oval shape. Hold it for 5 seconds. Repeat the process for 15 sets.
  3. Cheek squeeze: Lift your head all the way back. Bring your chin forward. Make sure not to strain your neck. Make a fish face by sucking your cheek. Do not bite your tongue or lips. Repeat this procedure for 15 sets, with each set lasting 5 seconds.
  4. Double chin workout:Tilt your face all the way back in a sitting or standing position. Touch your tongue to the roof of the mouth, holding your head still. There will be a slight pain in the neck due to contracting muscles. Let go and bring your chin slowly to its normal position. Repeat this process for 5 sets, with each set lasting 30 seconds.

Just remember, at the end of the day, being healthy and taking care of your skin is essential and taking time to visit the spa is equally important.