Experience the benefits of Indian Head Massage at the Mouse house!


With winter around the corner and mid-year almost upon us, many are looking for places to relax, unwind and hydrate before the winter cold dries their skin and starts to put stress on one’s hair, body and overall persona.

Granny Mouse Spa is the perfect place to get a taste of R&R! Nestled amongst serenity in the beautiful gardens at Granny Mouse Country House & Spa, one particular offering that is suggested for preparing for the winter months is the Indian Head Massage.

Liza Williams from the Granny Mouse Spa says that this type of massage therapy stems from India thousands of years ago. “What it is, is a massage that uses the same techniques used in the Ayurvedic tradition with the main focus being on the head, face, shoulders and neck. Here at our spa we offer a 20 minute detoxifying massage treatment of the head, scalp, face, neck and shoulders which falls under our healing touch massage range,” she adds. ??Research shows that through the array techniques performed during the massage a number of benefits arise.

Firstly, by performing the massage in the special way that the therapists use their hands and fingers, blocked negative energy in the body is released. This allows for relaxation and free flow of energy – also known as unblocking a Chakra, which may aid those that suffer from migraines and headaches to be relieved after their treatment.
“What we do differently, is tell our guests to lie back for the massage instead of sitting up, as we feel that guests leave feeling more relaxed. Our therapists also tell each guest to think positively while they receive their massage. We also focus on the face and forehead which also aids in the alleviation of stress in the head that may lead to headaches as well as relieve sinusitis and aid in a glowing complexion,” Williams says.

Another benefit of this type of massage is that it can help those who suffer from head related illnesses such as hair loss as the massage action stimulates blood flow which can aid in hair growth. Not to mention that for those who choose the option of using aroma therapy oil on their head during the process, this can aid in their hair gaining strength, lustre and hydration.

For those looking to de-stress and prepare for the upcoming winter months, spoil yourself with the Granny Mouse Spa Indian Head Massage for only R220, but remember that once you finish your massage, you are bound to look a little ruffled, so have a hairbrush and hairband on hand or a fabulous hat for the ride home or walk back to your room.

The Granny Mouse Spa which is managed by Camelot Spa is open to the public and not only to guests staying at the hotel, so make a booking via spa@grannymouse.co.za
or call 033 234 4071.