Chef Shaun’s healthy Spring treat!

With winter behind us, having left many of us a little rounder, Granny Mouse Country House Executive Chef, Shaun Dampies, decided he would share a nice healthy spring snack with us that is really easy to make! So here it is…..

Soft cheese and health biscuit

  • 100g Cream cheese
  • 30g Mustard
  • 1 Beetroot
  • 1 Red onion
  • 1 Tomato
  • 20g Rocket
  • 120g Muesli
  • 400ml Balsamic reduction
  • 50ml Honey
  • 80g sugar

Soft cheese:

In a mixing bowl mix cream cheese and whole grain mustard together until smooth and pliable. Place into a piping bag with round nozzle

Health biscuit:

Place the muesli into a blender and blend until the raisins are small and all the oils and sugars are released.

Add in the honey after the mix is blended (this is what will help hold and keep the mix together).

Balsamic reduction

In a sauce pot, over low heat, add in the balsamic vinegar and sugar.

Cook on medium to low heat (not boiling) the longer you cook it the more it will reduce and the thicker it will become,

Place the muesli biscuit mix on the plate.

Using the piping bag, pipe the cheese and mustard mix onto the biscuit.

Start building on the biscuit with the sliced red onion then the tomato, and then lastly add the beetroot.

Add fresh rocket on top of the salad, and finish off the meal with balsamic reduction

Serve and enjoy ….