Author Archives: Goldfish Communications

Ways to rejuvenate the skin for spring

Dry, dehydrated, flaky. These three words are often described as a side-effect of winter. As we come into spring, it is important to rejuvenate the skin by following a few simple steps, courtesy of the  Granny Mouse Country House Spa team

Exfoliation can be done at home and at the spa. At home treatments can include brown sugar mixed with a moisturizer, or honey. If you prefer a spa treatment, opt for something that contains some sort of hydration agent as well.
Exfoliation is necessary to remove dead skin cells that hinder moisture permeation into the skin.

Drink more water
In the winter months, we tend to lean towards hot drinks that comfort us and make contain quite a few extra calories. Water will help the body to detox, as well as aids in weight loss, so ensure at least 2l of water is consumed daily.

Cut the heat
Warm baths and showers are preferential. Hot showers can dry out the skin.

When it comes to hydration, applying a moisturiser on a daily basis is a must. Due to the change of season, you may feel that you would like to intensively moisturise your skin and this can be done with a spa treatment such as the CSpa Hydrating Body Wrap on the menu at Granny Mouse Spa. The wrap cocoons the body, offering a range of benefits such as exfoliation, and hydration with neroli and vanilla essential oils. This treatment also aids restoration and relaxation.

To treat the body form the inside out, you may want to consider Vitamin E oil which can be purchased from health stores. It is, however, important to consult your doctor before consuming any supplement.  Vitamin E Oil is also found in many lotions and moisturisers and is said to block free radicals from one’s body and support immune function.

To book your treatments, call 031 208 9889, and Kimera will be able to put the perfect package together for you.

Flower of the month this September!

As we step into September and welcome in spring, it is time for the flowers to start blooming, and the trees to flourish with new leaves sprouting out. The gardens at Granny Mouse Country House and Spa are always stunning, and well maintained by the garden and grounds manager, William Brown- who has a vast knowledge on all things flowers and garden related.

If you birthday is celebrated in September, and you are unaware of what flowers represent your birth month, then consider taking a keen interest in the Aster and the Morning glory – as these are your birth flowers. Flowers are seen as a gesture of love or friendship and may have a special symbolism attached to it.

They come in a variety of purples and pinks and regarded as a feminine flower representing positivity. They prefer cooler climates with relatively wet summers. They enjoy full to partial sun in which to thrive. According to Horticulturist at Granny Mouse Country House & Spa, William Brown: “Asters should be planted in early to mid-spring in fertilised and moist, well-drained soil and water thoroughly”.

Morning glory
These feature in an array of pink, purple and blue shades and is a symbol of affection. What is interesting to note about these flowers is that blooms open in the early morning and generally curl closed later in the day.

“These flowers are annual climbers that prefer a sunny, sheltered area to grow in. They do however need a lot of sun to reach their full potential. They should also be planted in well-drained soil and should be planted early in the season. Another tip is that if you are planting from seed, soak them first for a day before planting,” Brown adds.

According to, “it’s estimated that there are more than 600 different species of these colourful wildflowers.  Ancient Greeks name the aster after the Greek word (astér), meaning star. They often used asters to create wreaths, which they would place on altars to pay tribute to the gods.”

So whether you enjoy planting beautiful flowers or prefer receiving them, these flowers are sure to add an extra addition to your birthday!


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