Author Archives: Goldfish Communications

Granny Mouse Has Some Tips For Us!

With all the conferences that have taken place at Granny Mouse Country House & Spa, we have picked up some valuable advice from the various conference facilitators regarding social media!

To effectively manage ones digital footprint, the team from “The Mouse” want to pay it forward.

One of the most important elements is to try limit and minimize the amount of data you leave behind, especially comments on articles and records of online purchases. Something that you always need to bear in mind is to keep your reputation intact. What we post and say says quite a lot about us. When you know the boundaries of your digital footprint, and take steps to contain it, you can help protect your identity and your reputation.

Some tips that the team here at The Mouse House follow and we know most of you do it too.

  • Do a self-stalk, and find out what there is out there via google, because we all do it when we want to find out more about other people or their businesses. If you spot some negative stuff about yourself, perhaps an angry vent when you were super emotional, delete it. It’s easy enough to do on social media platforms. And while you’re at it, put in place some privacy settings, as you don’t want certain information accessible to strangers. Also make sure that the privacy settings haven’t changed on any platforms that you may be on.
  • Make sure your software is up to date, and that antivirus protection is working. Keep those security settings in place before downloading any other apps.
  • For those of us a little more mature, the worst is passwords. We have so many passwords in everyday life, from banking, to downloading apps – just about everything, and we all have forgotten ours from time to time. So make it a password that’s not only easy enough for you to remember, but that would be hard for someone else to guess. Avoid the most popular choices, like birthdates and anniversaries, or the names of your spouse, children, or pets. It is so important that we have strong passwords.

So going forward remember to be careful about what you share, like, or comment on.

Avoid sharing too much personal information online. If there is something distasteful, scroll on or get hold of administrators on the offensive platforms and communicate to them if you really feel strongly about something. By simply expressing you opinion, you may end up in an online war which just isn’t worth it.

Keep things light and positive. If you can, take time away from your phone, which can be all consuming, and don’t miss out on the world and life around you.

For more information, go to

All about the toasting, hosting and a little bit of fun!

Toasting the wedding couple is age old and is part of the ceremony, to wish the newly married couple health and happy days in their marriage, says Sean Granger, General Manager of Granny Mouse Country House & Spa.

Generally in a traditional wedding, the order of toasts goes from father of the bride, groom, and best man, followed by other members of the wedding party. Nowadays it includes the bride, and the bridesmaids or maid of honour. If all members of the party decide to toast, and of course include a speech, the bride follows the groom then, bridesmaids/maid of honour, and then the best man.

Some tips on the tradition of toasting, and to help those that may be a little nervous in this role:

  • Introduce yourself to the guests as some may never have laid their eyes on you before. Once that is done, congratulate the couple, including some happy words for them,
  • Include a bit of history on the relationship, as well as some stories about the couple, and then individually, depending on who you are.
  • Be sure to address both partners and try not to focus your attention on only one, even if you don’t know the partner. Find out some good stuff to share and even call on those who know the story better to help with the story telling.
  • Yes, jokes are good, but be sure to run any of your funnies to others before the big day so you get it right and it’s not offending anyone. Just to add, humour is not a bad thing but this is a toast not a roast.
  • Conclude your speech with raising a glass to the happy couple.

There is no hard and fast rule how to follow all the traditions in toasting, as maybe most of the people on the list who toast may be shy and it’s not about making this an awful stressful situation that falls flat.

Just remember the original meaning of the wedding speech or toast is to raise one’s glass and wish the new couple health, wealth and happiness in their marriage.

Granny Mouse Country House & Spa’s team are the experts in all things weddings and know how to plan and implement that perfect wedding day that suits your style & budget, as well as assist in all other wedding etiquette to ensure everything runs smoothly.

For more information contact Granny Mouse on 033 234 4071 or email on