Author Archives: Goldfish Communications

Road tripping – “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.”

Some of the best holiday breaks happen in the form of a road trip. Not only can we share some guidelines with you, but more importantly it is good for the soul!

One has the “therapeutic opportunity” to treat it as follows: It is an adventure; a break from the digital world; creating memorable moments with your fellow road tripping companions; forgetting about work; the opportunity to explore at your leisure, and with that being said, the Midlands is one of those destinations that offers all of this!

So, whether you are hitting the road for an hour or so to get to Granny Mouse Country House & Spa in the Midlands, or across our various Provinces, the “Mouse House” team have a few good tips that will help stave off boredom, reduce arguments and keep you safe as well as sane.

First up, remember to compile a checklist and make sure your car is roadworthy, that you have checked your spare tyre, had the vehicle serviced, and that you have an emergency kit in the boot, which includes the safety triangle, mini fire extinguisher etc. It’s also a good idea if one of the occupants in the car knows how to change the tyre and remember, safety first – if you need to change a tyre, be sure to do it in a safe place and where you are visible i.e. not a blind corner.

Some other worthy tips for the beginner roadie include packing insect repellent, some entertainment such as board games, cards, books to keep your passengers busy, as well as double adaptor plugs, a power bank to keep your electronics charged (purely for directional purposes, as one needs a break from being bombarded by social media stories).

When travelling with other passengers, agree upfront whether you are going to be destination driven or want to take the road less travelled and enjoy the journey. Is everyone prepared to explore?

Deciding on sightseeing spots along the way, some of us like to pre-plan the stop-offs, while others, like to be spontaneous and stop off when some interesting places appear ahead. Getting out the car and stopping off, en route, will provide the driver and passengers a chance to stretch their legs and explore possible local roadside attractions. Also, chat to the locals and ask about any local attractions, as they are the best source of information and they probably know the area way better than you do and can therefore recommend some hidden destination treasures.

Designate a person in charge of “padkos” or assign items to certain people so that the cost is spread evenly. Another important item on the checklist is the road trip playlist. The perfect soundtrack is a must and one that creates the spirit of a road trip. A good playlist makes the time go quickly and ensures the driver is kept entertained.

Not everyone’s cup of tea, but another good tip is to get on the road early to avoid any heavy traffic, allowing you to take a leisurely drive without stressing.

It is wise to also carry some cash just in case some outlets don’t have card machines or they are offline – it happens more frequently than not. Another important tip is to make sure your car has enough fuel to get you to your destination. Prepare for any potential scenarios – an accident ahead that has blocked the road, leaving you running out of petrol on your holiday drive.

Practice road etiquette. Be polite to other drivers, don’t take unnecessary risks and never litter. A little respect goes a long way on a road trip. You want to enjoy it and allow for those around you to enjoy too.

Have an awesome time, revitalize your spirit (as opposed to drinking them) and just “arrive alive”!

When You “Redo” With An “I Do”!

Having a second or third wedding is still a special day for the wedding party. When planning your second wedding, don’t copy what you did the first time around – make it new and yours as a couple!

Granny Mouse Country House & Spa has a few good tips for those considering walking back down the aisle (again) and Veronica Sookdin, Banqueting Manager of the “Mouse House”, emphasizes that never should this day be boring or super conservative. It’s a fun day and the team certainly knows how to help make it that.

Planning a second wedding also comes with some societal rules that are unwritten, so here are some tips to ensure that all goes down well.

  • When getting married for the second time, and if there are children from the previous marriages, it’s really important to tell them first before letting the “cat out of the bag” to your other nearest and dearests. And, of course, let your ex husband or wife know too – even if you aren’t the best of friends, its polite that they hear it from you and not the neighbourhood gossipers.
  • When it comes to wedding gifts, many of those who are getting married again tend to have most of what they need after accumulating over the years. You can still provide a list of wedding gifts, or simply donate to a charity of your choice in the case of those who have everything. Also, don’t expect gifts from the people you invited to the first wedding and who cracked the nod for the second. Let it be their choice.
  • If you did the big wedding the first time round, why not cut down the guest list a little, so you can enjoy time with everyone that is there. It allows you to spend time with those that have been there for you, through thick and thin. But, again, it is your choice and if you want that big wedding again, then go for it.
  • When it comes to the dress, look at the colour scheme. It is generally “frowned” upon wearing white after having been married before. Besides the off-white or ivory, there are more colour options out there now, such as champagne, pink, blue or any colour that flatters you and is suitable for your gown. Black has also been a trend for a good few years and actually symbolizes power and sexuality. Take into consideration that the type of dress you choose also needs to fit in with your venue and/or church.
  • Something else to consider, and it’s also good manners, is that you shouldn’t expect your parents to foot the bill. This time you need to budget and pay for your own wedding.
  • Most importantly, if you do have children, include them in the wedding planning and day of the wedding. Let them walk you down the aisle, or be the maid of honour or best man. Of course this all depends on their ages, which dictates the role that they play – but whatever it is, they will feel so important!