Author Archives: Goldfish Communications

Go Get yourself some ginger

While the ancient root has long been touted a sick-day panacea in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, Ginger is a flowering plant that originated in Southeast Asia. It’s among the healthiest (and most delicious) spices on the planet.

The rhizome (underground part of the stem) is the part commonly used as a spice. It’s often called ginger root or simply, ginger.

Ginger can be used fresh, dried, powdered, or as an oil or juice. It’s a very common ingredient in recipes, and is sometimes added to processed foods and cosmetics.

Particularly during the change of seasons, where just about everyone is developing a snotty nose, allergies, aches and pains, etc, ginger is one of the roots that should be included in your diet. Apart from helping fight common colds, it also helps with digestion and reducing nausea.

Ginger tea is a popular beverage for warming up during chilly winters. Not only is it warm and comforting, it may help calm an upset stomach. A cup of this spicy tea in the morning would be particularly helpful in relieving nausea, motion sickness, or pregnancy-induced morning sickness. Food babies are pretty uncomfortable, but thanks to ginger, they don’t have to last forever. A cup of ginger tea could help your stomach empty faster so food doesn’t just sit there after an indulgent meal. What’s more is that it’ll help calm your stomach, and stave off bloating and gas.

You can easily make your own ginger tea at home by grating ginger root and letting it seep in boiling water for 10 minutes. Add honey to taste.

One of the traditional uses of ginger is for pain relief, and appears to be very effective against menstrual pain when taken at the beginning. To get cracking on making your tea, below is an easy recipe:


  • 4–6 thin slices of peeled, raw ginger (for stronger ginger tea, add more slices)
  • 2 cups (500ml) water
  • Juice from half a lime or lemon
  • Honey or another sweetener, to taste (optional)


  • Firstly, wash and scrub ginger root. Then, peel ginger and slice thinly.
  • Fill a medium pot with 2 cups water.
  • Place ginger slices in water and bring to a boil, then simmer for 10–20 minutes. Simmer longer for spicier tea.
  • Remove from heat. Add lime or lemon juice and honey to taste, if desired.
  • Serve in your favourite mug.

If making with milk

  • Boil ginger root slices in 1 cup (250ml) water for 10 minutes.
  • Remove from heat and add 2 cups (500ml) milk.
  • Put pot back on stove and gently simmer milk and ginger for 5 minutes.

Serve up.

Ginger tea is an easy, delicious, and all-natural way to promote good health.

In addition to providing you with many health benefits, it’s simple and easy to prepare at home.

Whether you’re feeling under the weather or simply craving a warm drink, with a cup of ginger tea you can sit back, breathe in, sip slowly, and enjoy.

The culinary artists at Granny Mouse Country House & Spa use ginger from time to time in their recipes, and by adding ginger to your diet, they suggested that the beauty is it can be added to meals. This being said, they want to encourage you to try your hand at any of the recipes below that include this magical root…

  • Christmas ginger beer
  • Ginger Tart
  • Ginger Snaps
  • Ginger malva pudding
  • Gemmerbier (South African Ginger Beer)
  • Ginger chicken potjie
  • Roasted south african lobster tails with ginger dipping sauce
  • Carrot, ginger and coconut soup
  • Ginger and paw paw chicken flattie

The bottom line is that Ginger is loaded with nutrients and bioactive compounds that have powerful benefits for your body and brain.

With the weather turning, and if you’re keen for a real winter get away, head to and make a booking today.

Wedding Jitters To Avoid!

Planning a wedding, a ceremony, and honeymoon while you have a full-time job is extremely stressful. You have so much on your plate, and your stress levels take a bit of a hammering, especially if you are doing it all yourself.

It’s generally important to take care of yourself, but even more so when you have a wedding approaching. Be sure to pay attention to yourself in the months and weeks leading up to the wedding.

Try look at alternative options before you walk down the aisle, especially options that will cause the least amount of anxiety. One of these options could include a bespoke wedding location like Granny Mouse Country House & Spa to get rid of the “needless nerves”.

Planning a wedding is hard. Trying to please parents, future in-laws, yourself, and your fiancé may seem like an impossible task. Most people don’t have experience in planning such big and important parties.

So, if you are suffering from pre-wedding butterflies that is normal. Understanding the difference of being stressed over a wedding is one thing and it’s not about having hidden concerns about going ahead with this big step.

Signs of pre-wedding jitters and what you can do about them:

  1. Having trouble eating – we often feel like we have “butterflies” when we are anxious about something and this reduces our appetite. It’s important to eat for strength and energy. Try eating yoghurts, cheese and biscuits, or even marmite on toast. Also, if possible, avoid any heavy sugary treats.
  1. Can’t sleep – anxiety brings racing thoughts, which tends to be exaggerated when your environment is quiet. Try elements that focuses on relaxation, like having a long bath, putting on some calming meditational music, or doing breathing exercises while thinking happy thoughts.
  1. Exercise – nothing makes one feel better than a little exercise, whether it be yoga, meditation, walking or even a session at the gym. Any of these can take the edge off your anxiety. The best idea is to create a regular exercise schedule leading up to the wedding to keep those stresses to a minimum. It does help.
  1. Battling to concentrate – get out that notebook and make a list, and tick off as you go. Don’t try and be a hero and think you can remember everything – you are going to forget important aspects which will then just stress you more. (That is why we have bridesmaids to delegate).
  1. Short-tempered – this is part of the anxiety process, so try think before reacting and speak calmly to help restore your Zen.
  1. The checklist – Who is the boss? The list is! Make a checklist and also include people you can trust to take on some of the responsibilities. If you worry about the day plan, then the checklist needs to include a timeline i.e. contacting various suppliers before the big day. Planning in advance and starting early with all your necessary arrangements will prevent unwanted anxiety and unwanted pressure.
  1. Change the tradition – no one says you have to have a big wedding. Remember it’s not the size of the wedding that counts, but rather sharing it with those who mean the world to you.

Contact, the Granny Mouse Team on 033-234 4071 to help sooth those unnecessary jitters.

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