Author Archives: Karen Welgemoed

Cup O’ Easter Cake! Yes please!

Easter is almost here and it is time to start preparing the festive goodies and what better way than to get the kiddies involved.

Apart from a traditional Easter egg hunt in the garden, why not get the kids in the kitchen to try their hand at making their own sweet treats and spoil mom and dad this year.

Here is one of the simplest recipes for them to try and it doesn’t even involve the stove.


  • 4x Tablespoons of cake flour
  • 4x Tablespoons of sugar
  • 2x Tablespoons of cocoa
  • 1x egg
  • 3x Tablespoons milk
  • 3 x Tablespoons canola oil
  • Handful of chocolate chips


Grease a “microwave safe” large coffee cup with butter or cooking spray.

Step 1: Add flour, sugar, cocoa to the coffee mug.

Step 2: Stir together to combine.

Step 3: Add the egg, milk and oil.

Step 4: Sprinkle chocolate chips on top.

Step 5: Stir carefully and continue to stir until well blended.

Step 6: Cook on high in the microwave for 3 minutes.

Step 7: Top with ice cream or whipped cream and more chocolate chips or a sprinkle of cocoa and serve! However, in keeping with the Easter theme, kids can sprinkle a handful of speckled eggs onto the top of the whipped cream or ice cream to give it a festive Easter look or pipe a cute bunny face on top using a marshmallow cut into two thin disks (cut diagonally using kitchen scissors) and place on top as a pair of bunny ears.

Happy Easter!

Running a successful conference in 2016!

Are you an events planner, involved in Marketing or the PA to the big boss and now it’s your turn to plan and run a successful conference? Well do not fear as there are ways to ensure your final product turns out “hitch-less”.

The most important aspect of the conference is that those who attend leave feeling re-energized, full of passion for their specific job role and bursting with fresh ideas and that, of course, all your technical aspects are in good working order.

The first bit of advice is to find out the budget. All the ideas you have, will have to keep the budget top of mind.

A tip to remember is to jot down or create a planner and share your ideas with others to ensure your ideas are achievable and within budget.

Secondly, divide the budget accordingly – into venue hire, technical, food and beverage, number of guests and miscellaneous. Then you can start sourcing venues. Those venues that offer packages are best to decide upon, as this cuts down costs dramatically, especially if you have a large number of guests attending.

Thirdly, book in advance. Ensure that you have maximum time to spend meeting and discussing the conference and potential concerns you may have. Almost always, good preparation ensures a successfully run conference.

If your conference is a fundraising event or networking function, and you have to source speakers, ensure that this is done as soon as you have the venue booked. You will have to take into consideration, costs of the speakers and their needs. The type of speaker you choose will depend on the type of conference. For example, if it is a fundraiser, ask the NPO’s CEO to do a speech or if it is a business woman’s breakfast, a woman that has been successful in the workplace and is able to share her success or inspirational story with others.

Fourthly, food and beverage plays a major role in the success of any conference. The number of guests and time and duration of the conference will determine your food requirements. For example, if it is a daylong conference, there should be a lunch served as well as a jug of juice and water on each table.

Some of the other aspects to take into consideration is the printing of programmes, AV and technical (unless the hotel or venue has someone on hand to assist), table seating arrangements and the guest list.

If you are looking for a venue that offers it all, Granny Mouse Country House and Spa in the KZN Midlands offers conference packages that are sure to make any conference a success.

Depending on the type of conference you choose, the following may be included within the cost:

  • Data Projector
  • Automated Screens and Laser Pointer
  • Sound system inclusive of hand held microphone and lapel microphone,
  • Wireless Connectivity – Single Dedicated Group Log On @ < 4 Mb per second speed,
  • Breakaway Venues,
  • Pad, Pen and Flipcharts,
  • Bottled (Still and Sparkling) Water
  • Cold Drink – 1 Bottle per delegate per day
  • Full time Waitron assisting in the conference venue for entire “in conference time”.
  • 15% Discount on all Spa Treatments

To find out more and to discuss the packages on offer contact 033 234 4071 or email