Our perfect wedding; Karen & Ruan Pretorius

Choosing the perfect wedding venue, which caters for your every need, is never easy, although for Karen and Ruan Pretorius, love at first sight really does exist, and that’s not only how they felt about each other, but the feeling they got when viewing Granny Mouse Country House & Spa as their potential wedding venue.

According to the bride, Karen, “we’d decided we wanted to get married in the Midlands, and had about five venues on our list, but the moment we got out of the car at Granny Mouse, we just knew this was the venue for us.” The couple was completely sold on the Hotel’s cozy fireplaces, nooks and crannies, and seeing the beautiful chapel where their nuptials would take place. These things, coupled with an abundance of accommodation options for their out of town guests, made Granny Mouse the perfect choice for them.

The couple were truly blown away by the level of professionalism of all of the hotel staff, from the initial emails and final arrangements, and just felt that all staff went above and beyond their call of duty, including the General Manager, Sean Granger, who arranged a shirt for the bride’s brother, who, in the excitement of packing for the wedding, realized he’s forgotten to pack a shirt!

From the food to the décor, the helpfulness of the staff to the array of immaculate garden areas providing magnificent backdrops for pictures, this bridal couple agree, that Granny Mouse Country House & Spa is 100% the perfect wedding venue for anyone. “It was the best kind of night out you could imagine. Love, laughter and dancing. We had a really good time with all our family and friends in a truly magical and memorable setting!”