June is Dads month at Granny Mouse Spa!


“Dad”, “Pa”, “Baba”, Pappa” – there are many words in many languages that one can use to call their fathers, but it is a personal preference that derives from ones respect and affection to the special father figure in their lives.

When thinking of what to get your dad for Father’s Day, the thought of a spa treatment is not generally the first thing to pop up in one’s mind, but times have changed and many men are warming up to the idea of having a pamper day.

The Granny Mouse Spa are running a special for the month of June where you can book dad in for a 30 minute CSpa Basic Facial and 60 minute Deep Tissue Massage for only R700 or a 30 minute Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage and 30 minute Indian Head Massage for R400.

Its dad’s turn to feel revived, de-stressed and detoxified – ready to tackle the start of the rest of the year!
Book now on 033 234 4071.