16 October is World Food Day, it is the one day a year that everyone is challenged to do their bit to help those that have no food. If each of us did our bit, then world hunger would be a thing of the past- this is a challenge that cannot be squashed without the world coming together, and uniting, to eradicate this problem.
We recently chatted to Royal Palm Hotel General Manager, Simon Bailey, in regards to their operations around food management.
“We are exceptionally conscious of limiting our food wastage, and are considerate in everything that we plan, right down to the amount of food placed in our buffets. Hunger is a very real factor in our country, and we try and play our part to ensure that we are food responsible.”
Bailey adds that from the ordering to the meal planning, the entire F&B team are involved, not only to ensure that costs are kept in-line with the number of expected guests, but to ensure that the Hotel runs efficiently, and orders only what they know they will need, with a small amount of extras for last-minute guests.
This planning even extends to what ingredients are in season, and how long they can last, to engage a range of tastes and flavours, without throwing food away unnecessarily.
“We urge other hotels to follow our lead, or to make use of the many food banks in South Africa, who are equipped to remove consumable waste from you, and re-constitute them for those less fortunate.”