Celebrate May with a Strawberries and Cream twist!

Although most food themes are American-based celebrations, it has become popular for other countries of the World to adopt them for a day.

On May 21, National Strawberries and Cream Day is celebrated. This fruity, delightful dessert can be served in a variety of different ways and can be included in breakfast, as a dessert and even as a cocktail.

Food and Beverage Manager Raven Naicker of Royal Palm Hotel is celebrating this theme day with a National Strawberries and Cream Day inspired cocktail, he calls: “Pink Lady”.

With Mother’s Day being celebrated on May 13, this recipe can also be used to treat your mom.

Our mothers love us, care for us, and many even cook for us – so why not make them something special, that is out of the ordinary, this Mother’s Day.

What you will need:

Cervoise Glass


50ml Amarula

25ml Monin strawberry syrup

25ml Cream

25ml Strawberry juice or handful of fresh strawberries



Put ice in a blender.

Blend cream ingredients together and then add in the Monin strawberry syrup and strawberry juice/ strawberries and then blend all together until smooth.

The non-alcoholic version is as follows:


50ml Condensed Milk

25ml Monin strawberry syrup

25ml Cream

25ml Strawberry juice or handful of fresh strawberries



Put ice in a blender.

Blend cream ingredients together and then add in the Monin strawberry syrup and strawberry juice or fresh strawberries and then blend all together until smooth.

Garnish with whipped cream and a fresh strawberry.

Serve chilled!