With the change in season, not only are we affected by the changing temperatures, but our gardens are as well.
Now is the time for avid gardeners to take extra care of their garden. If your current plants are sensitive to the colder weather, consider creating a mini greenhouse around them, however it may be more effective to spray these little beauties with an anti-transpirant spray that can be purchased from your hardware store or nursery. Granny Mouse Horticulturist, William Brown suggest purchasing “Wilt-pruf”. This will guard the plants by creating a layer on the leaves to act as protection against the elements.
He also suggests deadheading all the flowers – pinching/cutting off the stem below the flower and just above the healthy leaves. This will allow a new flower to germinate.
When it comes to April, planting bulbed plants is a must. These plants serve as food storage for other plants. They also contain the nutrients needed for plants to get through the colder months.
It is also beneficial for your garden to have all the dead vegetation, cut back. These draw unnecessary nutrients from the healthy plants and if removed, the nutrients are then absorbed more effectively by the plants that need it.
During the autumn season, make sure to give your garden enough water and fertilisation to ensure they are nourished.
Happy gardening this autumn!