Celebrate Easter with a twist!


Image credit: Delicious.com

In today’s times, Easter has become more than just celebrating a religious event. It has emerged into an occasion where children are gifted with chocolate eggs and bunnies and hunt for the Easter bunny before taking part in a lunch of traditional food dishes that are usually the same year on year. This year, add a little pizazz to the mundane and add in a dessert with a difference – for the adults only!

Food and Beverage Manager at Royal Palm Hotel, Raven Naicker is thinking out of the box this Easter with his take on a crème egg cocktail inspired by his favourite sweet choice during the chocolatey season!

Here is what you need to make one or two glasses:

  • ¼ cup (30ml) vanilla infused vodka
  • 1/3 cup condensed milk
  • 250ml cold milk
  • 2 tbsp. Crème de Cacao White
  • ½ cup ice (crushed)
  • 8 blocks of ice for the glass
  • 2 small Cadbury creme eggs, (split in half)
  • Slab of milk chocolate


  • It is optional to melt the chocolate and dip the rim of each martini glass in the chocolate
  • Chill martini glasses
  • Combine 30ml vodka and 2 tbsp. condensed milk in a jug. Pour into the base of the glasses.
  • Add about 4 blocks of ice to each.
  • Place milk, ½ cup of crushed ice, 2 tbsp condensed milk, vodka and crème de cacao in a cocktail shaker. Shake well or use a blender, then carefully strain/pour over the ice in the glasses.
  • Grate over extra chocolate and top with a creme egg each.