Monthly Archives: May 2023

Making more from your small space

Are you living in a place that has a tiny backyard or small balcony and feel like it needs some sprucing up? Granny Mouse has some super smart ideas on how to make your smaller areas more welcoming. Sean Granger, General Manager of Granny Mouse Country House & Spa states “even the most compact spaces can be arranged in a way that makes them both functional and more enjoyable to be in.

We know that not everyone has the luxury of acres of ground to play with. And, let’s face it, small spaces can feel uninspiring at first. Being presented with a blank patio or tiny balcony can leave us wondering what to do and where to start,” he adds.

The good news is that any space, no matter how big or small, is full of opportunity. In fact, it’s easier than you might think to create your own mini paradise, extend your living area, and it’s often cheaper and easier to maintain.

Whatever the shape of your garden, zoning is a great way to add visual interest and functionality. One can look at creating distinct zones using soft hedging, decking ideas, light paving slabs, and/or decorative stones. Setting decking boards horizontally to the paving helps to widen the space as well.

If you’ve only got a tiny patio to play with, don’t worry. There are plenty of vertical garden ideas you can try, including the addition of a living wall which is a smart way to make a small space feel full of greenery and more welcoming.

Look out for hanging planters which you can fill with herbs, flowers, or even vegetables and it’s easy to install. The planters definitely soften any harsh grey areas.

Lining a wall with trees growing in pots also helps break up plain spaces and is definitely lovely to look at. As well as offering a screen, it is also very good for the soul.

There are hundreds of ideas to make your lifestyle area more welcoming, and small spaces can be just as much fun to create.

Winter warm vegetables

When shopping for vegetables in winter, remember the golden rule – shop with the season and know which vegetables to get.

When the temperature drops and it starts getting colder, and that sun starts setting earlier, you know the mid-year slump is upon you, so it’s time to bring out the big guns.

You know that people around you may, at some point, become susceptible to the winter cold. And that is even more reason to eat well, and where winter vegetables come into their own.

Seasonal winter vegetables, such as roots and winter greens, are at their best at this time of year – full of flavour, nutrients including vitamins C, A and K, plus fibre, that support a healthy gut and immune system during the coldest months of the year.

When you’re choosing them, look for the freshest vegetables you can find. Head to a farmers market, a street market or your local reliable store, knowing the vegetables will taste better as well as be more nutritious. The smaller guys tend to provide prime vegetables at bargain prices.

As a general rule of thumb, root vegetables should feel firm to the touch and look unblemished; if they look sad and wrinkled and feel soft, then don’t buy them.

Leafy greens, such as spinach, should be a lovely green colour; avoid those that are brown or droopy around the edges.

Some amazing vegetables that won’t break the bank, will provide you with a healthy immune system and can create tasty fabulous recipes include:

Brinjal (aubergine), beetroot, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery,  chives, courgettes, green beans, leeks, mielies, mushrooms, peas, sweet peppers, and so much more.

But if you are still not sure what to look out for on your next grocery shop, just check the vegetable section at the supermarket or farmers market and notice the abundance of certain vegetables.
