Monthly Archives: February 2023

Be safe in the sun this summer

There are a number of ways to stay safe in the sun that require minimal effort and won’t stop you from enjoying the sunny weather all year round, especially in South Africa where there is abundance thereof.

If you find yourself in the Midlands, walking the paths at Granny Mouse Country House & Spa, remember that just because there is a cool breeze and you don’t think you are burning, you most probably are, and it’s more reason to ensure you are safe from the rays of the sun by taking simple precautions.

Protecting your skin involves making some simple changes, like sun protection clothing and increasing the SPF levels in the sunscreen you purchase. These will certainly help you stay safe in the sun.

However, it is not all doom and gloom if you follow these tips on prevention from Granny Mouse’s GM, Sean Granger. “Sunscreen is definitely one of the easiest ways to prevent millions of cases of cancer each year and it’s quite something that so many of us forget to cover up with sunscreen.”

  1. Choose a broad spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB radiation. Make sure it is water resistant and has a SPF of 30 or higher.
  2. Apply at least a shot glass of sunscreen at least 15 to 30 minutes before going outside.
  3. Reapply every two hours, and every hour if sweating or swimming.
  4. Use a lip balm or lipstick that contains sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 30.
  5. Be extra careful around water and sand. These surfaces reflect the damaging rays of the sun, which can increase your chance of getting sunburnt.
  6. Keep babies younger than 6 months old completely covered and in the shade.
  7. Limit the amount of time you’re in the sun between 10:00am and 4:00pm. This is when the sun’s rays are the most intense. Practice the shadow rule: if your shadow is shorter than you, the sun’s rays are at their strongest, and you should find shade.
  8. If possible, wear a long-sleeved shirt and long pants.
  9. Dark clothing with tightly woven fabric blocks more sun than white or loosely woven fabrics.
  10. For additional protection, look for clothes made with special sun-protective materials.
  11. Accessorize with a hat that shades your face, neck, and ears and a pair of sunglasses. Sunglasses with lenses that have 99% to 100% UV absorption provide optimal protection for the eyes and the surrounding skin.
  12. Be even more cautious if you are taking medications that may make you more sensitive to the sun. These include specific types of antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, antifungals, blood pressure medications, and chemotherapies.
  13. Drink lots of water and stay hydrated.


Most skin cancers can be cured if detected early. About once a month, check your skin for moles or marks that are changing or new and prevention ultimately is better than cure.

So pleasant are Perennials

Perennials, unlike annuals which live for just one season, live a lot longer. Their Latin name means ‘through the years’ and includes the likes of trees and shrubs and tend to be any plant that persists in growing for several years, and where growth from a part of the plant survives from growing season to season. They mostly flower in spring, summer or autumn, with a handful blooming in winter, and many have attractive foliage, too. There are a variety of perennials that reside, and thrive, in the gardens of Granny Mouse Country House & Spa.

There are perennials to suit every type of garden, for any aspect or soil type, and they range in different sizes. From low-growing herbaceous plants for the front of a border, to medium-sized ones for the middle, to giants a couple of metres tall for the back, they establish and grow quickly, with most reaching their full size in a few growing seasons. Many perennials make good cut flowers and the more compact varieties are excellent for growing in pots. Most are flowering plants that are very attractive to pollinators.

Perennials appear year after year, flowering during their specific seasons; no wonder our ancestors filled their gardens with them! Some are evergreen, and others are herbaceous perennials; which means that they will die down to the ground at the end of their growing season, and then re-grow from the same roots the following year. Unlike annual plants, which must be re-planted each spring, perennials are left in the soil, saving the gardener both time and money. Some lovely examples of perennials that could be considered for any garden include:


These flowers come in a stunning variety of warm bright colours, or lovely pastel shades. They love full sun and will bloom almost throughout the year, peaking in spring and summer, but continuing into autumn. They will grow quickly to ±30cm tall and ±20cm wide.


Loved for its intense sky-blue flowers with bright yellow centres; ‘Alba’ has pure white flowers and Felicia ‘Variegata’ has blue daisies and green and white variegated leaves. Flowers can appear almost all year round in warm climates, with a main growth in spring and early summer, and sporadic flowering thereafter. Plants will grow ±30 to 45cm tall and ±50cm wide and love full sun.


These pretty plants are grown for their orchid-like flowers in shades of lavender, purple, pink and white. Angelonia will flower all summer and autumn. They love full sun and will grow ±30 to 40cm tall and 20 to 30cm wide.

Trailing Daisy

Modern hybrids are available in wine red, white, pink, yellow and terracotta. The main flowering season is in late winter to spring and again in early autumn, but some flowers can be found on the plants throughout the year. It grows in full sun to ±30cm tall and 50cm wide.

Plantain Lily

Grown for their striking leaves, in plain green, or variegations of grey-green, yellow and cream. In summer, lily-like flowers are held on slender stalks, ranging from blue to lilac and violet, or green to white. Cultivars vary greatly in growth habit, with some reaching no more than 15cm tall and others up to 90cm. They grow beautifully in part shade to full shade.

Golden Rod

This plant grows in clumps and produces panicles of golden yellow flowers in late summer and autumn. It grows quickly to ±40cm tall and 30cm wide and loves full sun.
Spider Wort

Produces blue, purple, white or rose flower clusters throughout spring and summer. It will grow to ±40cm tall and 40cm wide and can be planted in full sun.

Lady’s Mantle

Popular around the world for its ornamental value and ease of growth. Its soft, velvety grey-green leaves and its huge spreading heads of tiny, star-like yellow flowers make the Lady’s Mantle a fascinating garden plant. It grows best in semi-shade to ±35 to 45cm tall and can spread as wide.

Perennial Phlox

Phlox is easy to grow and flowers in summer and into autumn. The flowers come in shades of purple, scarlet, pink, mauve, salmon, and clear white. Phlox love full sun and grow ±50 to 80cm tall and ±50 to 80cm wide.


These popular garden plants will flower from late spring to autumn, and are available in shades of pink, red, purple, lavender and white. They vary in height from ±30 to 80cm tall and require full sun.

Marguerite Daisy

Many Marguerite hybrids are available, varying in size from dwarf compact varieties ±35cm tall, to larger varieties ±75 to 90cm tall. Hybrids produce single, semi-double or double flowers, in many shades of pink, red, yellow, orange, and pure white. They require full sun to flower really well.

Angel Wings

Grown for their delicately shaped flowers on long stems, in spring, summer and autumn, Gaura is available in shades of pink, lilac and white. They will grow in full sun or light shade to ±40cm tall and 30cm wide.

Ultimately, perennials are a great investment as you can buy a plant once and divide it, adding plants to your own landscape or share with others. They are available in a wide range of flower colours and foliage textures with great fragrances that add a truly rich dimension to the total garden. So be inspired and get planting, and if you need further inspiration, head up to Granny Mouse Country House & Spa to see firsthand the success of growing such plants.
