We know that many business owners and their teams have developed foggy brain syndrome maybe it is something to focus on when you book your next conference brain storming getaway at Granny Mouse Country House & Spa.
As we know for many small businesses, it feels like 2020 pulled the rug out from underneath us all.
For most of us, the year has been an uphill struggle, with major hits and slow, but hopefully steady, wins. We’ve all had to learn what operating a business during a pandemic means, and we have not only had to adjust our strategies but also change in many ways, in order to stay afloat.
There has been a lot of learning, but we need to remember the fundamentals.
Now, before you go get your torches and pitchforks, hear me out, says Granny Mouse Country House & Spa General Manager, Sean Granger – “We have learned several lessons that I will outline below. But marketing – as in, the practice of promoting the buying or selling of a product or service – hasn’t really changed during the pandemic. Despite what dozens of unschooled “I have a Twitter account so that makes me an expert” marketers will try to convince you of”.
This brings us to our first major lesson – going back to the basics. And many of us that have done any marketing courses, the first thing we were all taught was the 4 P’s.
Product – This should be obvious, it’s what you sell. But, it also needs to be something that people have a need for. If there is no need, or desire, for what you are selling you are going to have an uphill battle. And this would be a super important start to a possible company conference.
Price – This variable is more than just the return you want to make once you’ve applied a profit margin to your finished product. Price itself can even be the marketing angle that sets your brand apart.
Place – This is more than simply where your product is sold. You need to know whether your product(s) are accessible to your core market. If I could create a “golden rule” of marketing in 2020 it would be this: Make sure your customers can access your products. If you’re a retail business, have you started an e-commerce store?
Promotion – it is interesting that so many businesses start with the promotional end of marketing. This trend changes a lot!
There is so much more to be said, but for all us, let us get back to basics and start with a fresh mind and some creativity and get down to growing our business with the changing of the market tides.
Getting back to the basics of your 4-Ps is number 1, especially during COVID. Analyze your tactics from product, price, place and promotion and you will find that there are more opportunities than you think.
The more thought that is put into the planning phase, the better the conference. And with a successful conference venue that offers everything from comfortable rooms, high quality equipment, and ease of access, you are on the road to success, which will make it easier for you to meet with like-minded people and industry peers.