As the year begins and we find that we don’t have that much time off from the rat race to head off to the beautiful Midlands for a day at Granny Mouse Country House & Spa, and spend a day with their Spa Team who all agree, that there is no excuse for not taking care of your skin!
This is especially true as summer draws to an end. Time spent in the drying outdoors and in the sun makes this the perfect time to ready your skin for the upcoming autumn season and ultimately winter when it needs to absorb the moisturisers that are needed to combat the effects of harsher cold weather.
The Granny Mouse Spa Team is even prepared to share their favourite exfoliation mask to really clear your skin of all dead skin particles and ensure your face looks smooth and fresh.
It’s so easy to make, smells amazing and the results are great!
Here’s the recipe for their not-so-secret-anymore exfoliation mask:
- Add one tablespoon of natural, plain yoghurt to a teaspoon of sugar (preferably brown sugar)
- Mix the two together well and apply a thick layer to your face, as well as neck.
- Leave the mask on for at least 15 minutes.
- Using wet fingers, rub the mask, as you gently exfoliate your skin, doing so in small circular movements.
“The yoghurt nourishes your skin really well, ensuring that your skin is well hydrated- which is particularly great after a hot SA summer!”
For more information, or to book your next Spa treatment, contact Granny Mouse on (033) 234 4071.