Monthly Archives: March 2017

Pregnancy treatments to relieve a stressed and tired body

Pregnancy is a time where the body endures a lot of change, which may lead to stress, and fatigue. It is also a time when the body is supposed to be relaxed and the moment enjoyed, before a life is born into the world.

If you are in your second trimester, this is usually the best time to treat yourself to some pamper-time. It is also a time where you are also likely to feel your best before baby is born.

Granny Mouse Country House & Spa is the perfect getaway for couples looking to book a night or two away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, for a “baby moon” before life becomes slightly more demanding.

During your stay, the spa should be one of the places you spend some time in, apart from taking in the breath taking sights and soothing sounds of the property.

Granny Mouse Spa offer a range of all over body treatments for their moms-to-be which range from facials, to hand and food treatments and a specific pregnancy massage.

Starting from the facial area, indulge in either a  60 minute Thalgo Classic Facial (R585), 30 minute CSpa Basic Facial (R375), 60 minute CSpa Hydrating Facial (R555) or even the 60 minute CSpa Rebalancing Facial for oilier skin (R555).

“Our facials target either revitalisation, hydration, balancing or soothing and are gentle on the skin,” says Yolandi Potgieter of Granny Mouse Spa.

Moving on to the body, Granny Mouse Spa also offer a specifically designed pregnancy treatment which consists of a 60 minute treatment,  that leaves the body feeling relaxed, distressed and pampered (R595).

“For many expectant moms, there is always the question of whether they are able to paint their finger and toe nails and whether they are able to have a hand and foot massage or soak. We do offer paint on both hands and feet, however we do not advise any form of soaking or massage to these nerve-sensitive areas,” Potgieter adds.

For hand and foot therapy, moms can opt for a 30 minute Express Manicure (R190), or a 30 minute Express Pedicure (R205) which includes filing, shaping of the nails, cuticle care as well as varnishing.

No matter what the treatment, moms-to-be are sure to leave feeling relaxed, so book at Granny Mouse Spa today and take your turn to be spoilt. Email

The best blooms for a drier season

With a drier South Africa than past years, it is important to know which flowers and plants are able to withstand hotter temperatures and drier soil, so that your own garden is able to flourish.

Here is some advice from the Granny Mouse gardening team:

  1. Choose full sun plants – many of these varieties can survive in drought type conditions. Choose herbs such as Rosemary and Lavender as well as Aloe and other succulents. Full sun flowers include the Blue daisy, Frangipani and Strelitzia, Mother-in-law’s tongue, Watsonia as well as the Protea, amongst others.
  1. What is most important is the planting process. If one is plating a seedling directly from a pot, then remove the plant and pull some of the roots out of the “root ball” before planting in the ground soil and plant it level with the soil.
  1. Even though these kinds of plants do not like to be drenched in water. They should however, be watered once a week. Water these plants by collecting grey water from your washing machine or sink water after washing one’s dishes, or alternatively keep a bucket in the shower to collect some of the water used.
  1. If you are looking at planting blooms in a potted environment outdoors, then full sun plants can work well for this type of housing.
  1. For succulents- remember that if your succulents look soggy than reduce the amount of water given. They should start to wrinkle when they need water. If in a pot, water until a bit of water is dripping out of the bottom of the pot. Any extra water that is evident in the drip tray should be poured out.
  1. Furthermore, if you want a neat looking garden you can prune these plants. However it is best not to prune if you do not have the know-how. This can be more destructive than beneficial.


Happy planting!