Monthly Archives: September 2016

Conference presentation do’s and don’ts from the Mouse House

For many of us, being asked to present something to your entire team, division, or company, although an honour, conjures up images of complete fear and instant paralysis. Your every intention may be to make a lasting impression, however the only feeling crossing your mind is that of a dear caught in headlights.

According to Granny Mouse Operations Manager, Ane du Preez, “I have seen my fair share of exceptionally nervous speakers, who’s companies have chosen Granny Mouse as their conference venue, and some who have literally frozen mid-speech. We often offer our advice to them to ensure that they take the podium relaxed and ready.”

We asked du Preez to give us her top 5 presentation do’s and don’t tips, and this is what she had to share:

  1. Preparation is key. Take the time needed prior to the conference to adequately research the topic you have been asked to present, and ensure thorough preparation. Don’t rush this process or it will show!
  2. Practise makes perfect. Before you have to present, ask a few of your colleagues or family members to listen to your speech, and give you honest feedback. This will also allow you to be more comfortable with the content.
  3. Have some fun. Make sure your speech content isn’t too serious. Although conferences are about work, add some light-heartedness into your presentation, as this will also break the mundane and keep people interested.
  4. Make eye contact. Addressing the audience is what keeps them entertained and interested in your speech. Make sure you know your speech well enough so that you make regular eye contact with your audience. Nervous speakers sometimes rely too heavily on reading their speeches, which we find
  5. Remember that you’re addressing people you work with almost every day, so you know them and they know you. Many have been in your shoes before, and are ready to hear what you have to say.

Following tips like this will ensure that your next presentation is a resounding success!

For more information on the conferencing packages offered by Granny Mouse, visit